CAP Application for Employment Instructions
The following material covers the requirement for submitting a Civil Air Patrol
application for employment and give assistance for common issues.
Application Navigation...
Use the tabs below the "* Denotes Required Fields" text to navigate between each
section of the application.
Use the "Next >>" or "<< Previous" buttons with each section of the
application to navigate to the next or previous section.
Application Fields...
- All required fields must be entered before submitting an application
* Denotes a required field
- Only required fields are required for submitting an application.
All fields designated a format requirement, i.e. Format: MMDDYYY, must be
formatted correctly before submitting an application.
Fields that have character limitations, i.e. limit to 750 characters, will not accept
any additional characters pass the field's limit.
Date fields can be entered by typing in a date or selecting the calendar icon to
the left of the date field.
Submitting an Application...
After all required and optional fields have been entered, click the "Submit" button
located in the "Certification of Agreement" tab.
- Next, the Equal Opportunity Employer page will display showing race, gender, veteran, etc selection. This page is optional.
After all steps have been completed, a confirmation with your application ID will
- For any additional assistance, please email CAP Human Resourceswith the Job ID or AppID included in the subject line.